Shades & Degrees
Our Songs:
All of the original songs featured on this site have been categorized into a number of subsections. It might help to think of the organization of this site like the interior of a 1990's video rental shop.
The first section of the shop is our "Song Library", which is simply a comprehensive listing of all the original songs we have written. This section is fun to explore if you have a lot of time and are not sure exactly what you are looking for, but, want to get a broad taste of our songwriting.
The second section, "Our Albums", is a page dedicated to full length albums, with each album having either a theme, artist or content that is cohesive, and either tells a story or explores a specific interest. This section is ideal for anyone in the mood to allow themselves to be taken on a musical journey, and to lose themselves in the melodies and concepts that we have created.
The Third section is called "Themes" and is just as it sounds, organized into a series of themes, so that listeners can go directly to the kinds of songs they feel like listening to at the moment. Topics range from Love, to Life, to causes and almost anything else you can think of.
The Final Section is our growing collection of Singles that we have recorded with a number of professional guest artists and released to online music sites, including Spotify, I-tunes, Apple Music etc.
Song Library Albums Themes Singles Songs In Progress